About Perusha
My journey through life has been marked by both significant challenges and profound personal growth. My life's voyage commenced in the 1980s, in the quaint town of Pretoria, South Africa. I count myself fortunate for the enduring love and support of my tightly-knit family.
My early years were characterised by modesty and contentment, until the heart-wrenching loss of my dear sister at the tender age of 14. An avalanche of grief, sorrow, anger, depression, and desolation engulfed me all at once, leaving my young mind bewildered and incapable of processing such pain.
In response, I buried my sorrow and carried on. Five years later, a diagnosis of major depression led to chronic treatment. After a few months, I believed I had healed and moved forward. In hindsight, I had unwittingly developed a habit of suppressing emotions as a coping mechanism to evade the pain and maintain the facade of normalcy. This self-imposed limitation became an obstacle that influenced my decisions and life choices.
Some years later, a yearning for a more fulfilling existence prompted me to board a flight to the United Kingdom. My time abroad exposed me to new horizons, fresh perspectives, and the possibility of experiencing happiness again.
Upon my return to South Africa, I resolved to explore a deeper understanding of life and death and immersed myself in the realm of spirituality and awareness. My fascination with the human mind's potential had been ingrained from an early age, as I recognised its boundless capacity.
Since then, I've been dedicated to continual learning and have embraced various methods to heal the heart and mind. These efforts have led me to discover inner peace and freedom, ultimately helping me Master The Light Within.
I've been fortunate to encounter life-altering spiritual experiences throughout my transformative journey. A few, in particular, stand out for me: the completion of the Neurolinguistics Practitioner Coach and Masters certification was a life-changing experience, a powerful healing journey in the Amazon jungle involving participation in Ayahuasca ceremonies, a profound 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat and two intense yet transformational workshops 'Turning Point' and 'Joy Spring'.
My journey of acquiring healing techniques has enabled me to delve within, addressing and transcending limiting beliefs that no longer served me. This transformative process allowed me to rewrite the narrative of my life, resulting in the beautiful existence I currently enjoy.
My deepest desire is to share the precious gift of discovering inner freedom and peace with others.
My Awakening
In the depths of our souls, we ponder profound questions of life – the purpose of our existence, the origins of our being, and the inevitability of suffering and loss. These questions sent me on a relentless search for answers, leading me down a mesmerising rabbit hole of discovery.
My journey took me through therapeutic healing, natural remedies, meditation, plant medicine, ancient civilizations, mysticism, neuropsychology, metaphysics, and quantum mechanics – an ever-expanding quest for understanding.
Over the course of two decades, I delved into various healing techniques and therapies, learning from spiritual mentors, and immersing myself in countless books. Each step of my journey revealed more about myself and the intricate flow of life’s energy. It helped me break free from the chains that bound me in unworthiness, toxic relationships, anxiety, and depression eventually leading to a life of freedom, peace, and joy.
My coaching journey began in 2012, when I qualified as a Master Neurolinguistics Practitioner and Life Coach, later acquiring certification in the Enneagram. My corporate experience in Learning and Leadership development allowed me to apply and enhance these skills, supporting individuals on their path to success.
At the beginning of 2023, I followed my passion, departing from the corporate world to establish ‘Mastering the Light Within’.
My belief is that we are all divine beings, inherently powerful enough to heal ourselves and radiate our inner light brightly, showing up as the best version of ourselves and living our best life.
My purpose lies in supporting you on your journey of discovery, dismantling the walls that keep you confined, shifting your perspective on life’s lessons, and harnessing the boundless energy within you. By doing so, we resurrect your true nature, allowing life to flow through you, enabling you to create the life you desire. Together, let us embark on a transformative journey of healing, self-awareness, discovery, and empowerment.
Unleash the light within and illuminate your path to a life of purpose, freedom, joy, and abundance.